Why Call Center as a Platform

NoTime helps businesses to start offering call center services including staff,
without any upfront investment or business commitment

Challenges in Traditional Call Center Model

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Low Occupancy

Call centers are overstaffed to handle the variations in the call volumes. Agents are occupied around 40-60% of their shift time.

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High Starting Costs

Businesses need to employ a minimum number of agents and managers to start their services, along with the IT equipment and office space.

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Fixed Resource Pool

Despite the variations in the customer call traffic, call center agent pool is relatively constant. No flexibility in case of an immediate increase in call volumes.

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High Agent Churm

In the US, 30% of the agents quit their jobs each year which results in additional hiring and training costs.


Pay as you use call center including talent

Fully outsource your call center needs including
the talent pool into NoTime platform

Per Minute Pricing

Businesses pay for the talent based on the total handle time in minutes. Check out Cost Calculator

Free E-Learning Portal

Eliminate training costs and the time spent to train your employees. Learn more

Dynamic Talent Pool

Agents can serve multiple businesses in NoTime. Learn more about how we ensure privacy and agent availability in our platform.

No Cost Cloud Call Center

Complimentary cloud contact center service for your inbound contact flows and outbound campaigns. Learn more

Analytics and Forecasting

You can monitor your KPIs real-time and historically as well as your current costs from our portal and apps. Learn more

Agent Screening and Data Privacy

NoTime experts are screened for the maximum security. You can also store call center data on your network, request NDA and detailed background check for the agents. Learn more

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Freelance Call Center Agent


Better Performance

Freelance call center agents are career professional who enjoy the remote working, flexible hours and better income that NoTime offers. They are more committed to this occupation than a traditional agent, get financially incentivised when they perform better.


Customer Satisfaction History

Performance history and customer feedbacks of each agent can be accessed in NoTime platform which helps to identify the quality talent easily.


Existing Skills

Freelance call center agents are already experienced in generic call center skills such as conflict resolution, problem handling, telephone sales and agent screens, therefore they need minimum training.


Faster Acquisition of New Skills

Freelance agents are incentivised to learn new skills quickly, so that they can start taking calls from those skills and increase their earnings. They are self-motivated to learn new skills and expand their portfolio.

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Seasonal Call Center Talent

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Zero Training Costs

NoTime offers no cost e-learning platform and virtual supervisor bot to minimize training time and avoid any training costs.


Eliminate Hiring Process

Once the skills are published in NoTime e-learning portal, matching agents to your criteria will be notified. You can reject a talent at any time.


Access to Large Talent Pool

Businesses can access to NoTime talent pool and invite high performing agents to their inbound and outbound campaigns. They can also offer weekly retainer fee to selected talents during the campaign.

Start Your Pay as You Use Call Center in NoTime

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