E-Learning platform to build your talent pool in NoTime
Add skills, upload training materials, build qualification exams and minimise training time using our e-learning portal

Advantages of Utilising NoTime Agents
Generic Call Center Training Completed
NoTime talent already have the skills for handling customers on the phone,
Mock Customer Calls with AI
You can insert a typical customer converstion steps and agents can test their abilities with AI-Based customer simulator
Mandatory Refresher Courses
In case of any new features, you can create a new version of skill and existing qualified agents will be notified to re-qualify for the latest version.
What Should Training Material Include
Top 10 Questions customers ask
Adding the most popular questions you get from the customers with their answers will help NoTime Experts to handle calls quickly
Greetings and Call Endings
How the customers will be greeted and the next steps once steps once the call ends
Incentives for Certaion Actions
In some cases experts will be asked to complete a purchase or finalise a renewal. Documenting those critical tasks and potential incentives will help experts to be more focused.
Scripted Questions
Each skill have up to 10 scripted questions and answers to help agents to point the customer to the right direction
Result Codes
Each skill may have multiple result codes to label the calls and analyse them quicker. Your training material should include which result codes should be used in which cases.
Third-Party Platforms
Any requirement to access and update third party platforms such as reservation system, CRM envirement etc. must be documented clearly, preferably with screenshoots
Start Your Pay as You Use Call Center in NoTime
Build Learning Paths
Businesses can build learning paths for their talent pool which can include trainings from NoTime e-learning library as well as courses specific to their business needs.

Create Skill Trainings
You can build courses by creating content in the portal or by uploading existing content in the following formats; avi, wmv, mpg, mov, flv, m4v, mp4, ppt, pptx, pdf, mp3, zip, doc, docx, swf.
Offer Qualification Exams
Once the course is completed, you can request a qualification exam to be passed by the talent.
Notime e-learning portal is very flexible; you can add visual content into your exams in the formats given above.
After the exams are passed, learning path is complete and agent will be ready to answer your customer enquiries.